Saturday, September 13, 2008

Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit...

As summer comes to an end in the Gulf, so concludes what has become a fairly predictable pattern of my existence. Summers in the academic world provide opportunities to escape mandatory work-related reading in order to explore more personally-related topics. Each summer I try to dig into something new in my reading that broadens my view of life, work, or just the journey of being. This summer was no different (except that summers for me are now a bit longer and hotter) and I've had a phenomenal awakening that has been stimulated by four books - Gates of the Sun (Khoury), Einstein's Violin (Eger), Integral Spirituality (Wilber), and Synchronicity (Jaworski). I had no clue how these four books would relate when I picked them up thinking there was no relationship - what a fool! They turned out to be deeply related, creating what Jaworski refers to as a predictable miracle in my life experience.

Earlier posts commented on Gates of the Sun and Einstein's Violin. I never commented on Integral Spirituality because I couldn't figure out what to say without becoming so complex and unfocused that it would be distracting. Having finished rereading Synchronicity today (I read it several years ago and put it away afterward.), I now see the relationship and it has to do with the title of this post - Vocatus atque non vocatus, Deus aderit.

Khoury is Palestinian and wrote cogently of the wrongs perpetrated on Palestinians from 1951 forward. Eger is a Jewish American who was awakened to a new perspective of the world when he visited Israel, Jordan and Palestine in the 1970s. I'm not sure how to describe Wilber other than a person who is having an enormous influence on many around the world through his integral theory ideas. Ultimately, Integral Spirituality is about his views that the world's religions are holding humanity back from a transformation of the human condition. An "integral spirituality" could make a place for all faith perspectives, could allow each of us to find meaning in our own cultural contexts, and could transform the warring and devastation we presently experience.

Integral Spirituality is complex and difficult reading. There are many times that my understanding simply could not grasp all the details and the evidence that Wilber quoted. But, the meaning that I drew from Wilber's perspective is what Jaworski described in Synchronicity. In life's journey we can either stumble through oblivious to our surroundings or we can allow ourselves to awaken to what's going on around us, thus unleashing that part of everyone one of us that wants to make a difference. Once awakened, we act in ways that are initially timid but then become more and more present and courageous. When that deep sense of presence is embraced, the great synchronicity of our conviction begins to interact with others and creates possibilities we never dreamed achievable.

The point of discovering purpose is profoundly practical and, if you want proof, talk to someone who has discovered their deep calling. This kind of calling is unavoidable, concrete, and transformational. When this depth of knowing emerges, it then connects to what Jaworksi and Senge describe as the implicate order which is the interconnected world that unfolds to us when we are ready.


voyager3000 said...


these 4 books are really important for me too. Having engaged in studying Wilber for the last 28 years and knowing the work of Jaworski too I am very strongly engaged in bringing these perspectives to Mideast too.

Especially GCC Region. Jaworski is colleague of Otto Scharmer too. A native German whom I met some months before visiting and working in Dubai 2004. The concept of "presencing" is one more aproach for innovative social technology.

You and your students might find his work relevant too.

Deus aderit..this happens in many forms for me these days . and in very diverse approaches. Connected via unvisible patterns.

The integral approach which has strongest global appeal is for me Spiral Dynamics Integral. It was offered by American Psychological Association to establish first branch of Large Scale Psychology.

Follow the new at

The Integral Leadership Review - I am Bureau Chief for founder Russ Volckmann in Germany, Austria and Switzerland -is increasingly reporting transdisciplinary and cross-continental field work and applications.

SO I hope to be present in GCC region further or later to contribute to real change and transformation of this dynamic and promising region.

Very best, from Germany,

Denny Roberts said...

Dear Albert - The fortuitous sequence of reading these four books was a great surprise to me. The connections between Khoury and Eger were particularly fascinating.

I knew of Jaworski and Scharmer's connection due to the co-authorship with Senge and Flowers of Presence. I hosted Otto at Miami University several years ago and that was my first introduction to the "presence" concept, which I've used ever since.

I've grown incredibly convicted and compelled in the work for Qatar Foundation. I hope we'll have a chance to meet one day to see how our work intersects. I'm so sorry we didn't connect in Berlin this summer.

By the way, I'm now reading No god but God. This is another wonderful book that helps explain the historic context of the Arab world, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. I'm sure I'll come back to offer comment on the blog once I'm done.

voyager3000 said...

Dear Dennis,

regarding connections, collaboration and global innovation. 2009 motto of World Economic Forum in Davos will be:

Connecting the dots

Founder Prof. Klaus Schwab saw the connectivity of Mideast and world decades ago. And recently he hold this speech in Beijing:

Our work will oversect earlier or later. So many threads are spinning together between Europe, US, BRIC states and Mideast.

My strongest wishes for your important work in Qatar. And for your pioneering efforts to create a powerful Arab Renaissance-like emergence.

Very best,