Thursday, December 21, 2006

Preparing for Christmas back home

With last year having been such an adventure, it has been a little difficult getting in the spirit of Christmas. A year ago tonight we were in Florence and would be on our way to Rome and then to Venice for Christmas eve. It's a little hard to beat the glamour of that kind of Christmas. On the other hand, we really missed not seeing Devin, Steve, and Gram at Christmas and this year we'll all be together for a full week. Darbi is already here, Devin and Steve come tomorrow, and then we'll all go shopping and playing together on Saturday. We very much look forward to a wonderful celebration together.

I also have something to celebrate today that will make the holidays even more fun. The editor for Deeper Learning in Leadership made some recommendations for changes in November and I promised to turn them around with a new draft ready by January 15, 2007. To my utter shock, I finished the revisions today - almost a month ahead of time. I probably won't turn it in until January but it feels so great being able to look forward to time with the family with nothing hanging over my head. I also intend to return to practicing piano during the holiday and I can hardly wait. Darib has been taking piano lessons at Carnegie Mellon and I need to brush up so I can stay ahead of her.

I feel a deep sense of satisfaction tonight. I'm home, with loved-ones, preparing my mind and heart for the coming of Christmas - an absolutely wonderful time of year. I pray for the happiness and peace of all our family and friends. We have many treasures to be thankful for!

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