Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Soernes & Yang - Welcoming the Stranger

There are two Welcoming the Stranger books, the first by Mathew Soerens and Jenny Yang published in 2009 and subsequently updated in 2018. The Soernes & Yang book lays out the political dichotomy from the beginning. The contrasting views are 1) that the U.S. is experiencing an invasion of illegal aliens who are violent and drain public and social resources or 2) that the millions of people around the globe are simply seeking a better life for themselves and their families. The two previous groups aside, the growing number of strangers in the U.S. are actually refugees who came with legal status and support from the government. With the mix of views and statuses that are now present, there are growing numbers of U.S. citizens who recognize the complexity of migration and want to be informed about the reality rather than manipulated by competing ideological assertions. Their book is designed to address this growing middle by informing readers of how immigration works and by proposing a Biblical perspective for how to improve it.

As the title suggests, welcoming includes how to live in relationship with immigrants, refugees, and others who have lacked opportunity and thereby suffered economic deprivation. Treating others humanely begins with language and not using demeaning and derogatory language such as "illegal alien." Those who lack documentation are not criminal but simply violated a civil law. Soerens & Yang help the reader by providing stories throughout their book - real people struggling with the challenges of life, 60% of whom have been in the U.S. for more than a decade and three-fourths with a recognized legal status. Almost all undocumented immigrants pay taxes from which they will likely never benefit. They pay approximately $7 billion in sales taxes and deposit $12 billion to the Social Security system each year.

Welcoming the Stranger reiterates the often-repeated story of success in the U.S. - a nation of immigrants, with one-third coming from the generation of ancestors who arrived through Ellis Island. Each immigrant group has been vilified as they found their way to the shores or borders of the U.S. and eventually acclimated to and found success in various industries from manufacturing to service to the arts. Even with this history, ambivalence is readily evident in immigration policy changes which were modified over time to reflect shifting needs for workforce prospects and the political ramifications over competition for everything from jobs to places to live. The journey of migrants has been one of "sheer resilience, courage, and fortitude" (p. 87) establishing most as successful members of society.

Turning to faith perspectives on immigration and citing Old Testament Biblical direction to Jews in Hebrew Scriptures, a "ger" is a non-native person in a local area who is to be treated hospitably. Jews were strangers in Egypt and the story of Jesus in the New Testament Bible is of parents and a baby seeking refuge under persecution. These texts assert that migration through history has been one of God's ways of drawing people together in their human striving. After summarizing the many benefits of welcoming migrants, debunking claims of criminality, and reflecting on the strong faith-base from which many immigrants come, Soerens & Yang turned to the question of how immigration policy should be modified. However, the most compelling message was that, regardless of how one views immigration law and its modification, "we must first approach immigrants themselves as neighbors - with love" (p. 130).

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Trump's 2nd coming

An opinion piece in the January 29, 2025, Chicago Tribune authored by a new U.S. citizen referred to Trump's "2nd coming" as fear arose that his citizenship could be denied before he took his oath on January 21, 2025. Considering all that we know of Trump's staunch Christian evangelical base, perhaps the "2nd coming" fits.

The pace of the first days of Trump's 2nd term could be characterized as a bullet train compared to the train wreck of his 1st term. The pace, unpredictability, randomness, and chaos that Trump creates is intentional. He sees uncertainty and surprise as key to success in negotiation - keep your opponents "on their heels" and there's much greater chance of success. Trump denied knowledge of, and disavowed a commitment to, Project 2025 during his campaign. Whether that was a lie or ignorance, the executive orders parallel the numerous points made in Project 2025. Watch the Heritage Foundation website to understand the victories already being claimed by those who drafted  the Project 2025 strategy. Even if only partially implemented, those elements that survive public scrutiny, reaction, and counter-moves will have a huge impact.

Trump sees himself as a master at negotiation, embracing a distributive negotiation worldview where he competes in a win/lose competition for limited resources. With such a view, uncertainty and chaos may be successful on many immediate initiatives. However, the downside is that uncertainty undermines rather than builds trust. But trust never was part of the Trump strategy and this is evident in who supported both his 2016 and 2024 campaigns. The pollsters all misread what was happening - Trump had so effectively sewn disbelief and distrust in media, government, education, and any sector that harbored "elites" that all were easy targets. Discrediting all those systems that more privileged citizens saw as serving and protecting them only reinforced the base of skeptics who love Trump. They say "he calls it as it really is" which "outs" a system that never worked for them as working class citizens with less educational opportunity and success. Governance by complaint, along with discrediting what previously served as separation of powers and church/state influence, has been significantly shaped by the rise of Christian nationalism and was driven by the the growing reliance on money, lies, and citing of God's provenance.

Researchers on trust in government in Canada reported early findings of their study at the International Leadership Association conference in November, 2024, in Chicago. The preliminary analyses indicates that we no longer live in a world where trust and distrust is a continuum with two alternatives. Trust in Canadian government has become a balance between justified and unjustified trust and mistrust. The result is four quadrants of justified trust, justified mistrust, unjustified trust, and unjustified mistrust. In an era of disinformation these four quadrants become very important and the Canadian researchers findings indicate that a significant portion of the citizenry in Canada moved into the unjustified mistrust quadrant, complicating any effort to gain trust of any type. As a U.S. citizen, I was provoked to wonder where the electorate has shifted and my guess is that those who refused to vote for Kamala Harris, even though she was much more qualified and credentialed, were substantially coming from an unjustified mistrust of current U.S. government. On the other hand, those who readily supported Donald Trump voted from an unjustified trust perspective - when the system has never worked for you, why wouldn't you vote for someone who calls out the failings of the current system and proclaims a new path forward?

Maya Angelou's quote "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" transcends time and is particularly applicable to today. Trump denied knowledge of Project 2025, which had many elements related to education, and now they are now coming to pass - reducing the scope of the Education Department, dismantling and punishing those committed to divesity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and imposing policies and practices that threaten free expression under the guise of protecting Jewish students and scholars. When asked about the origin of sometimes baseless assertions, Trump cites "common sense" or that he's a very smart person. Albert Einstein's comment that "common sense is nothing more than a deposit of prejudices laid down in the mind before you reach eighteen" is perhaps applicable.

These reflections about Trump's 2nd coming will likely be updated and revised in the coming days as I continue to try to sort out what is happening. My concern in particular is identifying ways that will support a return to reason and trust in leadership and the systems that they oversee and use.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Bremmer - Us v. Them: The Failure of Globalism

Ian Bremmer introduces Us vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism by warning that the spread of an us vs. them perspective among citizens around the world, including protests and rock throwing, comes from fear - fear of strangers, terrorists, criminals, decline of economic opportunity - and that governments can't protect us from these threats. He then explained that those who were born and matured in the 20th century believed that the American dream was secured by globalism. Unfortunately, globalism also guaranteed the problems that worldwide citizens now face - that there are winners and losers of the race to globalization. Worse yet it is the fact that globalization and its impact are accelerating.

Bremmer's book and the video of his appearance at a Johns Hopkins forum after Trump's 1st election to the U.S. Presidency describe how globalization has created an interconnected world where the cross-border flow of ideas, goods, and services and the inequity that goes with that flow resulted in governments having very limited potential to protect their citizens. Some political leaders have attempted to recognize this complexity through negotiations and bridge building while others chose the cynical option of retrenchment, withdrawal, blaming others, and erecting conceptual or physical walls. Media complicates the matter because winners and losers of the globalization race can easily see the inequities - that is if they have open access that allows them to see the rest of the world through honest journalistic reporting. As Bremmer says, "It's the efforts of the losers not to get f'ed over, and the efforts of the winners to keep from losing power" (p. 10) that will create conflict within and across the borders of the world. He characterizes this dynamic as the seed that will destroy globalism, primarily because it creates insecurities that pit people against each other.

The facts of globalism are in some cases very different than the general public's perception. For instance, 88% of jobs lost in U.S. manufacturing from 2006-2013 were due to automation, not changes in global trade. Fearing the loss of culture is another example; where diversity is significant (such as Chicago) greater individuation and celebration of culture are more common rather than unusual.

The walls that have been going up around the world are generally more about protecting, rather than predicting the demise of, democracy. Isolating and pursuing separate national interests appears to protect jobs and cultures, with raising tariffs a primary example. The problem Bremmer identifies is that tariffs usually set off retaliation that locks countries into an escalating cycle or moves production to other countries all together. Cross-border flow of people and talent was an international issue in 2018 and has now risen to a much higher level in the anti-immigration movements leading up to 2024. It is the wealthiest countries that will be inclined to the strongest reactions to both the economic and human repercussions of globalism.

What are the factors that will help countries survive the growing fears about globalism? Helping citizens understand that survival is dependent on adaptation and that governments, if run honestly for the benefit of citizens, can change. Secondly, governments must address inequality and begin to lift all boats rather than the yachts of the few. Thirdly, education and retraining will be central, automatically challenging countries with large populations more than those that are smaller. Looking at these factors, "India, Indonesia, Russia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and South Africa are especially vulnerable" (p. 53). "Mexico, Brazil, and China have more capacity than the rest to respond" (p. 54). Bremmer predicted that the success of these 10 countries will determine the outcome for the world economy in the 21st century.

All countries may eventually need to be more responsive to the seemingly universal pursuit of happiness (as defined by the World Happiness Report) including "caring, freedom, generosity, honesty, health, income and good governance" (p. 135). In order to achieve these, the ability of governments to rebuild relations among their citizens and across national borders may be inevitable with income/wealth inequality one of the most important factors. Even Zuckerberg seems to understand this when he declared on Facebook in 2017 that progress "now requires humanity coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community" (p. 155). Without a commitment to this greater good, cynicism about all governments will grow until conditions become so bad that even the current winners of the globalism race will open to a new social contract.

As a reflection back almost a decade ago, and before Ian Bremmer published Us. vs. Them (2018), I warned higher education leaders to avoid using the terms globalism or globalization in their discussion of higher education (Roberts, 2015). I based the warning on Jane Knight's scholarship over the years where she clearly distinguished that globalization was export of economic, knowledge, people and other resources in ways that disrupted or replaced local culture while internationalization was the mutual and respectful exchange of processes and resources across borders. Thus, I encouraged educators to talk about their work in terms of internationalization, especially in education hubs and partnerships across regions of the world.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Connecting for leadership

To say that the Leadership Educators Institute of 2024 was inspirational to me is a gross understatement. While the conversations with Vernon Wall and me ended up including most of the things that I had planned to say and previously posted, it was connecting with those who so warmly welcomed conversation with me throughout the Institute that I enjoyed most. There are many but new colleagues Courtney, Andy, Sam, Adelaide, Travell, Kass, and Laura engaged so openly and longer-standing colleagues Kristina, Kathy, Melissa, and of course Vernon and Tanya were steadfast sources of encouragement. Donovan and Luis - it goes without saying how fun it was to connect with you.

What I've found on reflection is how powerful it was to have been placed later in the itinerary, giving me a chance to figure out if I had anything relevant to say when my time came. The problem here is that in so many ways, speaking to a conference or even publishing books and articles may appear to be a prideful thing. The balance between humility and pride is something with which I always struggle and I strive never to cross the line into pride that assumes I have some special gift or insight. Instead, I try to engage in ways that are provisional and encourage shared discovery among those with whom I'm privileged to connect.

"Connecting in leadership" - what does it take? So many of us are seeking more effective and powerful ways to cultivate leadership among students, ourselves, and our communities. What participating in LEI reinforced is that the processes I described in Deeper Learning in Leadership in 2007 were actually guiding me through each successive encounter. I started with a conviction of wanting to listen deeply to what was troubling leadership educators that I met. Then three forces overtook me - presence, flow, and oscillation. I'm not trying to sell books here but the fact is that the urgency of what drove me to attend and speak at LEI called out the better part of me which was attentiveness and being present. Once the forces of presence were in effect I definitely found myself in the state of "flow," a feeling of intense focus that suspends time and place. The unfortunate proof of my state of suspension is that I frequently got lost in the hotel, forgot to eat, and found myself at 8 p.m. each night completely exhausted. Each of the two nights allowed me the renewal I needed to come back the next day - thus oscillating to offer renewal.

All of the leadership educators who attended LEI were seeking more effective ways to cultivate student leadership. Some were just struggling with how to get students to participate in programs and stick with them long enough for them to make a difference. As I observed one group exploring student participation challenges, I heard drivers such as belonging, purpose, success, healing, and expectation, all of which might need to be folded into how we invite students to come along with us.

I have no doubt that most of the LEI 2024 attendees took a great deal away from being in Philly for 3 days but the most important part is finding colleagues with whom to share the journey. Humbly sharing with each other and authentically meeting each other was certainly evident at the meeting and perhaps there is insight here in relation to reaching students. If we urgently engage in ways that demonstrate that we're not leadership educators just as a job but as a calling and that learning to be better leaders requires reflection, focus, and renewal, perhaps students would come along with us more enthusiastically.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

Crystal ball - looking back and forward in leadership learning

The emergence of the focus on leadership learning goes back to the 1970s and probably even earlier. This movement has spawned an "industry" (Kellerman, 2018) that spans sectors, disciplines, and cultures. Student affairs educators have been part of this movement from the beginning and have made significant contributions along the way, including the advocacy for comprehensiveness, coherence, access and inclusion, and evidence-based practice.

However, some scholars have continued to challenge leadership educators for the lack of return on investment. I have enjoyed numerous interactions with Barbara Kellerman as she has pushed leadership scholars, educators, and consultants to get serious by committing to proving their worth. Where I find myself today is continuing to try to bridge organizational barriers, sectors, and international boundaries to advance leadership learning that makes a difference.

With the number of years I've been in the orbit of leadership studies and education, I've had several opportunities to be interviewed on my recollection of the last almost 50 years of advancing leadership learning. Being interviewed by Vernon Wall at the 2024 Leadership Educators Institute gave me another opportunity to gaze into the crystal ball. Following are the questions and the responses I offered.

Looking back on your 50+ year career, what were the moments and circumstances that were most formative in the way you viewed your work?

There were three very significant awakenings for me. The first was in my early career while working and pursuing my Ph.D. at the University of Maryland. When I first went to Maryland I worked in the Orientation Programs but I brought with me from my Colorado State days a very different view of students' roles. I saw the potential, and advocated, for greater responsibility of student leaders empowered by deeper training and development. Fostering deeper student leadership involvement in Orientation led to my being invited to start the leadership programs at Maryland, a task I pursued by engaging with ACPA in the creation of the comprehensive leadership program model that was published in 1981 (Student Leadership Programs in Higher Education). This involvement started me down a path of studying and conceptualizing leadership learning throughout my career.

The second instrumental moment was getting acquainted with one of the founders of student affairs work, Dr. Esther Lloyd-Jones. Her view of student affairs as a catalyst for institutional engagement and empowerment of deeper student learning changed forever how I viewed my work as a student affairs educator.

The third transformative moment relates to international exposure. I first worked and traveled internationally when I was selected as a Visiting Scholar for Miami University's Luxembourg campus in 2005. This experience then led to my accepting the invitation to create the student support, service, and development area for Education City in Doha, Qatar, as Assistant Vice President for Faculty & Student Services for Qatar Foundation. The initial experience in Europe and later work for 7 years in the Middle East transformed my view of higher education and how culture needed to be accommodated or embraced.

What do you see as the central principles of cultivating leadership learning over the years, what issues have been most central and consistent?

There are five central principles that have endured and that I believe leadership educators should continue to observe:

  • The capacity to lead is present in everyone and is found in both positional and non-positional examples.
  • Fostering deeper leadership requires a personal development progression (e.g. presence, flow, and oscillation that I proposed in Deeper Learning in Leadership, 2007).
  • The importance of values in leadership with humility, curiosity, and respect for difference as central concerns. (The Social Change Model is the most notable in advancing values in leadership.)
  • Inclusive leadership achieved through multiple purposes (training, education, and development), multiple processes (programs & pedagogies), and offered to multiple populations. These principles were advocated by the ACPA Commission IV Task Force beginning in 1976.
  • Partnerships to advance the work along with comprehensive and coherent models. This commitment is demonstrated in the subsequent inter-association collaborations that included other student affairs groups, crossing to academics, and actualized in the multi-sector perspective of the International Leadership Association.
How has your view of cultivating leadership changed as a result of your international work and travel?

I want to first acknowledged what a privilege it has been to travel and work internationally. My first experience was at age 57 and I have had so many opportunities since then, most of which are covered throughout this blog. For those of us who have this privilege, I believe it is important to not flaunt it but to humbly acknowledge our privilege, consider how critical theory might inform it, and seek to learn from it.

There is a quirk in this emergence of international understanding and it is my personality, one informed by an artist's spirit and training in music. I recently discovered Emilie Wapnick's idea of the "multipotentialite" personality which was stunning in how well it described me. The multipotentialite has the following characteristics:

  • Non-linear career path
  • Make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts
  • Get bored when things get too easy
  • Excel at idea generation
  • Abhor routine and predictability
  • Not afraid to try new things
The multipotentialite lens in me leans into experimentalism, coupled with empiricist curiosity. I did not always understand this about myself but realizing and leaning into it made me more comfortable in my career and life choices and this has been immensely affirming. It also made international travel and work incredibly interesting. Living internationally and having the opportunity to travel started me down a path of preparing for cultural encounter, remaining curious, and approaching experience with appreciation. 

I gradually realized that the cultural lenses that we use in the U.S. are useful but incomplete. The primary reason I say this is that much of what I've seen in cultural learning is comparative/competitive rather than appreciative. When you think of the way difference is explored, it is often conceived in a superiority versus deficit paradigm. I've written about this in my more recent publications but I recently focused on the implications for leadership training in a chapter that came out in the New Directions in Student Leadership series, titled "Incorporating an international perspective in training" (Roberts & Nyunt, 2024). This article advocates for leadership educators to become internationalists in their world view, challenge the standard leadership theory canon, and check their pedagogical practices. These three areas are complemented by pointers that will enhance leadership learning for international and all students.

Looking to the future of cultivating leadership learning, where do you see the need for greater focus and attention?

Proving the value of leadership learning, welcoming conflict and dialogue, and internationalizing our content and processes will become increasingly important. Add to these the advice offered by Satterwhite & Botkin (in press) that "leadership scholarship and learning needs to incorporate the emergence of collective leadership paradigms, include indigenous and diverse cultural perspectives, incorporate diverse andragogy and settings for learning, commit to inclusion and belonging of all learners."

It's also important that leadership learning include a heuristic understanding that can be comprehended and put into action. A heuristic approach will allow for the conceptual framework to be central, coherent, and serve as a catalyst to pervasively cultivate leadership potential that fulfills both individual and shared aspirations.

What are your deepest concerns and/or predictions about leadership and higher education in the coming years?

My deepest concerns relate to confronting bad leadership, paying more attention to active followership, incorporating critical perspectives, and instilling hope.

There are issues that haven't changed since we started this work and there are some new issues that offer expanding opportunity for us. My hope is that we double-down on the constants and step up on the newer opportunities.

Things that haven't changed:
  • Advocating for the cultivation of core values that enhance the potential for positive leadership - humility, curiosity, respect for difference...
  • Cultivating habits of character that support purposeful and generative leadership
  • Infusion of leadership learning through partnership with others on campus and in the community
  • Cultivating leadership through coherent and comprehensive commitments
Things that are expanding our opportunities:
  • Creating positive organization culture as a central responsibility of leadership
  • Understanding leadership as a continuum of followership to leadership and the growing necessity to pay attention to responsible followership and bad leadership
  • Incorporating an international perspective
  • Increasing emphasis on standards/principles and proof of impact (i.e. CAS Standards, ILA General Principles, Carnegie Leadership for Public Purpose elective classification)
  • Integrating broader perspectives informed by critical examination for colonialism, racialization, and culture
  • Instilling critical hope in the face of cynicism and pessimism
The above were shared with the LEI participants in December 2024. Incidental to LEI the International Leadership Association convened the Future Forward Leadership Summit in the summer of 2024, the summary aligning with many of the points above.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Coates - The Message

Ta-Nehisi Coates' The Message was controversial from the moment it came out. Predictably, it was condemned by pro-Israel factions because it asserted that apartheid had been imposed on Palestinians for decades.

The Message is as much about what writing is as it is about the three settings it describes - Senegal, South Carolina, Israel and the West Bank. Coates begins The Message by describing the critical importance of writing. Returning to his childhood experience, Coates describes not doing well in classrooms that required order, attention, and dutiful learning. But to his credit and our benefit, he turned this "not quite right" for conventional learning into inspiration for his artistry as an author - thinking outside the square box, unwilling to sit still when curiosity calls for disruption. Calling others to write, he urges the type of writing that attempts to draw attention to our common humanity and the struggles that are part of it.

Coates demonstrates that hardship is the stimulus for many writers' greatest works by relating the depravation of African Americans in the U.S. to that of Palestinians. Both experiences have been catalysts for profound insight. "A literature fueled by a profound human experience must necessarily burn at a high flame, and thus a 'material handicap' is transformed into a 'spiritual advantage,' putting in the hands of the oppressed 'the conditions of a classical art'" which is a condition "as true for those laboring under the shadow of enslavement as it is for those laboring under the shadow of apartheid" (p. 228).

Describing his travel to Senegal, a place that at first felt very foreign but then became all too familiar, Coates reflected on the irony of how hard people who subjugate others must work. The "plunderers are human beings whose violent ambitions must contend with the guilt that gnaws at them when they meet the eyes of their victims" (p. 28). The construction of race in early American experience was an essential tool to put those of African descent in a position that denied them their humanity. The further irony is that the denigration of Africans and the denial of the value of their culture spawned imagination of an idyllic Eden-like place that became the bedrock of hope under inhumane circumstances.

Upon visiting Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Coates grew to acknowledge the very real contemporary existence of an apartheid state. Apartheid is defined in international law as "inhuman acts committed for the purpose of establishing and maintaining domination by one racial group of persons over any other racial group of persons and systematically oppressing them" (p. 215). It depends on how one reads this section of The Message, but I did not see blame in calling out the policies and social conditions that Palestinians experience. Coats instead describes in considerable detail how Israel came to be in the aftermath of  pogroms, concentration camps, and the annihilation of 6 million Jews during WWII. The promised land to which European and then Jews of other national origins would flee was sanctioned by an international coalition embarrassed and frightened by what the world had just witnessed. And, the new freedom of a Jewish state, and the Zionist movement within it, was the source of power that allowed expansion of Israel into territories that were promised to Palestine and resulted in imposition of conditions that, if experienced anywhere else in the world, would have immediately drawn condemnation. Of course, "Every single empire in its official discourse has said that is is not like all the others" (quote from Edward Said, p. 139). The results are undeniable - "Palestinians living in Israel have shorter lives, are poorer and live in more violent neighborhoods" and their movement is controlled by "'admission committees'... that "are free to bar anyone lacking 'social suitability' or 'compatibility with the social and cultural fabric'" of Jewish areas. Zionism's claim to Israel as their homeland is clearly a form of colonialism and is confirmed in one of the ideologies' founders, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda who pronounced, "The land of our fathers is waiting for us; let us colonize it" (p. 158).

The analysis provided by Coates is reinforced by Isreali historian, Ilan Pappe. The settler colonialism of Jews in Israel depended on Zionism and its declaration that Palestine was the home for its people. Jews arriving in Palestine in the early 20th century knew that they needed to push Arabs out and that domination in economic terms was essential. This domination, and a romantic nationalism based on establishing a Jewish state, emerged after the partition accelerated and as Jews fled Europe and its legacy of anti-Semitism. Pappe's conclusion is that decolonization of Palestine is inevitable, but only when a one-state solution is negotiated.

Coates connects his cultural origin from Africans brought to America against their will and condemned to an unequal and lesser status with the plight of Palestinians where none "is ever the equal of any Jewish person anywhere" (p. 125). Coates makes the point that the structure, stratification, and changeless destiny of Palestinians is as clear in the West Bank and Gaza as it was in South Africa and America before civil rights.

As I drafted this summary, I pondered the connection between assertions by Coates that "Politics is the art of the possible, but art creates the possible of politics" (p. 105) and Pablo Picasso's "prosperity is a hypothesis - an artist works with what he has here and now" (Picasso Museum, Malaga, Spain). These assertions, starting with reality in order to envision possibility, captures the essence of Coates' The Message. In an era where Israel is perpetrating atrocities akin to those to which Jews were subjected under Nazi persecution, we must start by considering the potential that Israel's "right to defend itself" has gone too far. Then the stalemate in negotiations between Hamas and Israel can be broken and the long-envisioned possibility of a two-state solution will be possible.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Smith - Remaking the Space Between Us

Diane McLain Smith offers discerning analysis and real hope for how to heal the vicious partisanship that has overtaken America in her Remaking the Space Between Us: How Citizens Can work Together to Build a Future for All (2024). Hope is possible, even in the face of the divisiveness of the 2024 federal election. The fact is that 87% of the general population comprise the center of a more flexible and pragmatic citizenry. The other 13% are far out on either end of the political spectrum yet they exert an outsized voice in political discourse, and we give them undue attention in the media.

Smith's proposition goes back to two human potentialities that have served us well as we evolved - cooperation and competition. The problem is that these natural tendencies have very different outcomes. "At this state in our evolution, cooperation and empathy are much more likely to flourish within groups while competition, even hate, is much more likely to break out across groups" (p. 3). We are drawn together inside groups and driven apart between groups. "81 Percent of Americans believe the resulting divisions pose a greater threat to our future than foreign nations" (p. 8). The way out of this is deliberating to identify shared purpose that transcends different identities, life experiences, politics, and results in a new national identity coming out of a more interdependent way of being.

Many Americans, both conservative and liberal, recognize Donald Trump as a purveyor, if not the originator, of contemporary inter-group complaint. By catering to disaffected and disappointed citizens, billionaire Trump drew a significant number of middle and struggling class white citizens into his MAGA movement by making them feel that they were part of the golden toilet class. In Heather McGhee's analysis (The Sum of Us, 2021), give someone who is struggling someone else to look down on, and loyalty is not only secured but almost guaranteed. This strategy relies on a belief that "Some groups are innately better or lesser than others"... and "One group's gain must come at another's expense" (p. 28).

Imagining something better and committing to make it possible is the place to start remaking the space between us. Robert Putnam's Upswing (2020) cites times in U.S. history when citizens came together to create a more compassionate society and the question remains, are we on the cusp of a swing toward a new better self? Putnam's earlier work Bowling Alone, was released in a documentary titled Join or Die by Netflix. Covering Putnam's life work in advocating the importance of building bonds through voluntary associations, it reinforces the importance of remaking the space between us in order to renew human flourishing.

Remaking the space is dependent on embracing another evolutionary stage where cooperation across groups is fostered even when biases, values, and different life experiences tend to separate us. Smith recounts examples of such swings taking place - responsiveness to immigration in Lewiston, Maine, election reform such as fusion or ranked-choice voting, the compassionate response after the Tree of Life massacre in Pittsburgh, the Braver Angels debate initiate, and engaging communities in restorative storytelling. In these and other examples it only took one cross-group friend, which led to increased receptivity to ideas not considered before, and a commitment to pursue more.

Vaclav Havel's admonition that, "Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil that nourishes human hope" (p. 127) is an insight to employ for those who seek to remake the space between us. The headwinds we face include the decline of investigative journalism and migration to profit-driven national and social media, politicians who drive extreme positions to capture the headlines, disinformation and misinformation, and our own biases reinforced by social media echo chambers. The potential to turn these around is in activating the peripheral majority, encouraging them to engage others, and showing up where conflict is present or is likely to emerge. Navigation in conflict-ridden situations requires a commitment to 1) refuse to simplify and face complexity, 2) explore what happened and cast a wide net, 3) make sense of conflicting accounts, 4) explore options with others, 5) make a decision, explain the reasoning, and acknowledge other views, 6) be patient in waiting for a response, and 7) reflect on mistakes and continue to learn (pp. 159-163). From the Valedictory speech in 2022 of an Upstate NY high school senior, "Having hope is never stupid. No matter how buried it gets or how lost you feel, you must hold on to hope, keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer" (p. 174).